Sunday, June 03, 2007

Celebrating Kim's birthday

Wood, Bry, Kim and I went out to dinner to celebrate Kim's bd last night and feasted at the Appalachian grill. We had so much good food to eat that we decided to forgo the bluegrass concert at the park and go back home. A good decision it turns out as when we were turning into our neighborhood, a little lost poodle ran under the car and I just barely missed hitting him. Wood and Bry corraled him and Bry finally got him to come to us. No one in our neighborhood seems to be missing him so we will take him to the local humane society of Monday to see if he has a chip that indicates his owners. Wood and I are still discussing what we will do if he isn't claimed. He is a cute little guy and quite attached to me already, but we really weren't looking for a poodle and kind of wanted to wait until closer to Christmas to get our dog. He is very affectionate and really wants to be with people. I barely heard two little squeeks last night and Wood (softy that he is) said see I knew he would do that, and quicker than I could blink the little guy was sleeping on our bed at the foot... well until about 3:30 when Wood took him out to the bathroom and then when the little guy came back in he jumped right up and cuddle in the crook of my arm. A few minutes later he very comfortably moved to just inbetween both of our pillows at the top of the bed where he spent the rest of the night. Yes.... I am getting attached already.


anne said...

What a cutie! Do you have a temporary name for the little dude yet?
(keep him. keep him!)

Wray Davis said...

I posted him on several found dog sites, but there haven't been any real nibbles so far. Just to be certain, he's definitely male, right?

Unknown said...

Yes he is a male and he seems like such a Petey, but that seems so common for a little boy poodle, so I though about calling him Jorge, but Wood calls him Peanut. So who knows.
Maybe we should call him the "spitelful peer and pooper" or Spop for short.

Sarah said...

i had no idea petey was a common boy poodle name. any new news?