Saturday, January 21, 2006


This past week, Wood and I were leaving the building in NF and it was dark, cold and icky outside. As we made our way down the little promenade, a guy in a hooded sweatshirt who appeared to have Turrets asked if we would help him. Having just watched a very moving special on TV about a month ago about kids with Turrets and the agony they suffer, I thought I would break my usual code of not helping begging strange people and help him. Wood wisely remained silent. Well all he said he wanted was money for a bus ticket back home. So I said ok, I know the bus station is at the end of the block here, we will walk with you and I will buy you a ticket. So we did, and he had all kinds of Turret like issues as we were walking the 1/8th mile or so down the dark and mostly deserted path. We get to where I thought the greyhound station was and discover it used to be there and now it is just a bus stop.... so we wait for the bus with him. I ask about how much the ticket would cost to get him home and he says about 10.50. I think ok, but am starting to have second thoughts about being in this part of town, in the dark and reaching into my purse to withdraw any amount of funds. Wood is still wisely quiet. (He is really good at letting me make my own mistakes) Anyway a bus comes - not his bus- but a bus, that will get him out of the cold and take him to the bus depot where he can get the bus he wants to get home. I had originally thought I would give him a $20, but at this point in time, Wood speaks up and says, do you have any singles BD? So I give the guy all my singles - he! counts all four of them disappointedly and we watch him get on the bus. I tell him that will be a start to get another ticket at the next station. For some reason as the bus is pulling away... I turn around and see that the lying bloke has gotten off the bus and is following us. I say what are you doing. He says - it wasn't enough money and it was the wrong bus. At this point I put up the Hand give him THE look and said, Don't even think about it! Wood and I walked away and got to the hotel safe and sound. (Now for those of you who are my children out there - I would NEVER have done this on my own....not to worrry ok? Anyway when we were safely ensconced in our very favorite Red Coach Inn, I said something to our favorite server, Dave, who has his psych degree and is now working on a Master's in Business. He goes OH NO!!! not the turret's guy, he is such a thief and is always working this area! he is very convincing and I was taken in by him once myself and on and on and on and he doesn't really have turrets he is perfectly healthy and on and on. So I don't know who I am more disgusted with. Myself for going against my usual hard hearted don't help begging strangers rule or this dude for taking advantage and LYING to me and making me less willing to help folks that may really need it in the future. Anyway you look at it though, I am disgusted.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Favorite Ellen sit and spin picture

How could I have missed posting my favorite hmmmm maybe because it was a sideways shot...

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

And the end of the day

Christmas continued,Aunt Anne's moment

Finally the day arrives 12.25

Finally Isaiah thinks he can make a sneak attack on the presentsBummer, caught in the act....sorry couldn't rotate this picture the Christmas duds

Christmas Eve

Over at Bry and Kim's house Anne took most of the pictures I've been posting which is why we see her so rarely. This was one time I snagged the camera and got her and Mark

More Christmas in Georgia 12.23

Isaiah and Uncle Bryan Isaiah probably looks miserable because Dave would not continuously spoon ice cream and m and m's into his mouth. Actually I thought it was a great picture of Dave and Sarah, so I put it in Doesn't Isaiah look smug on Aunt Kim's lap?

Knox and Melissa visit for presents and chicken tacos

Sunday, January 01, 2006

12/22 we go to the park and get Anne and Mark from the airport

I have another great video of Dave and Ellen both riding a shouting Yee haw!. I'll try to send them to you all. Ellen was fearless in climbing up and down this red ladder thing. I had the tightest grip on her belt and pants. Good thing she didn't slip or it would have been a nasty wedgie. It took Sarah about 5 minutes to assemble the sit and spin and Ellen at 2o seconds how to figure out to put her hands one over the other to make herself spin around. It never ceases to amaze me how quickly and intuitively kids learn. Ellen loved feeding the geese at the park.... I did too :-)

Continuing the Budd Georgia visit- After Ikea on the 21

Dave was an awesome one man band playing Jingle bells. We have the best video with sound extolling his talents. Look for it soon on eBay. We got both Ellen and Isaiah moccasins and gave them to them on this day. Ellen traipsed through IKEA in hers and Isaiah just mostly wanted to eat his Since Sarah posted the IKEA shots- I thought I would put up a few from after the momentus occasion on that day. I do need to meniton though, that Sarah looked like she was going to visit Santa for the first time, when we arrived at the store. She was jumping up and down excited!