Sunday, June 19, 2011

May 2011 Vacation Day 5 Muir Woods to Jenner/Windsor

We left Monterey early Wednesday morning and headed for our first redwood encounter I had forgotten how much I enjoyed coming to Muir Woods when I lived in Walnut Creek, CA. So close to SF and so very very beautiful and verdant. I spent a lot of time looking up trying to see the tops of these giant coastal redwoods. On the way to Muir Woods we stopped to get a view back at the city from on top of Mount Tamalpais. I meant this picture to be first but am tired of trying to move it to the beginning of the post... sheessh.I just love this quote by John Muir, because for me at least, it is very true. I would rather be lost in the woods then found in the city any day. I spent a lot of time looking up and Wood spent a fair amount of time reading about Redwoods and the history of the area. His favorite thing to do. I just can't get over how green and mossy everything is here. But as you can see, the day we visited it was foggy and misty...perfect weather for this area. Got a kick out of this banana slug that had crawled up onto this sign about salmon and trout. Indeed a timeless journey for him.... but someone told me they actually travel relatively quickly. We left Muir Woods and continued up the coast through Point Reyes National Seashore and turned inland at Jenner. I am really bummed that I didn't get more pictures of this part of the trip because we went through some ginormnous eucalyptus groves. I LOVED them and Wood thinks they smell like cat pee. I had no idea there were so many groves and that the trees got so large. We went inland to Windsor where we had a room for the night, but then came back to the coast in the morning for our next day's journey up the coast to McKinkleyville and the Coastal redwoods

1 comment:

Jill said...

Those trees are gorgeous and I love the color of that moss.