Sunday, March 16, 2008

Spring time = storm time

Well Spring time in Georgia means many things. Trees start flowering, daffodils begin blooming and the grass slowly shifts from brown to green. Hopefully this year our azaleas and hollys will respond and come back. Azaleas because it has frozen here several times this winter and they really don't like to freeze. The holly bushes because for the first time since I have moved here, the deer have eaten them. Guess they were so hungry due to the drought that they were gobbling up anything they could. Spring time also means fantastic storms. We had some this weekend that were a little more than fantastic. A tornado touched down in Atlanta Friday night early Saturday morning and hit very close to where our downtown Atlanta office is located causing lots of damage to the CNN building and Centenial park (we are across the street from these). Saturday a tornado came through Cartersville and jumped across to Red Top Mountain and Lake Allatoona (not at all normal to get them right here, in fact Bry has told me that we probably never would because of the topography and all the hills around us- might be why it jumped right over us and hit the lake). We had gone out for a late breakfast and heard the tornado sirens going off as we walked into IHOP. We probably should have paid attention, but didn't. So we ate breakfast and just as we were leaving it started raining and blowing harder than we have seen in a long time. Now, Wood is used to driving when it is raining so hard you can't hardly see. But this time we had really strong winds to deal with too and his truck was kind of bucking on the drive home. You can imagine how glad we were to get home and how truly DEEEElighted Petey was to see us We thought the storms were over so an hour or two later we hopped back in the truck to go spend Wood's birthday money at the Harley store and to pick up some groceries. Wood thought maybe he would take a little spin on the bike when we got home.... hmmm. Well we got home...kind of blue skies with puffy clouds but it looked a little iffy still to the west of us. Sure enough another very blustery storm blew through in about 30 minutes, this time with hail, extreme wind and couldn't see across the street rain. Boy were we glad Wood had decided to forgo the ride. This time we lost our electricity. So much for cooking some tasty Parmesan Chicken for dinner. Amazingly the brownies that were in the oven sort of finished on their own and were a nice compliment to our Taco bell candle lit dinner. Anyway power is on this AM and as soon as it is light we'll drive through our neighborhood to make sure no one lost any trees. We think so far we are ok.


anne said...

Oh my goodness!!
I'm glad you guys are safe.
I saw the news about the tornado in downtown Atlanta, but I didn't think that would affect you.
Goodness...goodness! Very scary.

Unknown said...

I'm glad you guys are okay!