Tuesday, February 12, 2008


There is nothing less graceful then falling .... plop.. splatt...on either the concrete or some semblance of a very hard (very hard) brick sidewalk/crosswalk thing in front of other folks (read in public!) We were warned that the streets were icy when we left work from DC tonight. I tried to walk carefully but that ice just sneaks up on you and before you know it you are no longer vertical but some semblance of a splattered horizonital uncoordinated mass of arms and legs. Luckily nothing broken, just a sore butt (I can say butt instead of bum on my own blog..... I might even say ass ;-) and a bit of a head ache forming, but other wise just slightly humiliated like the cyclist that wiped out just seconds after I did - luckily on the sidewalk and not the street). Been hearing sirens all night... guess the roads are just too treacherous for DC drivers as well. Hope it doesn't impact the Potomac vote too much :-) Ah for a nice, relaxing, peaceful Westin hotel room (this one in Arlington,VA is the BEST!)


phdendron said...

I'm glad you're not injured - be careful!

Unknown said...

I'm glad you are okay!

anne said...

Oh no. I'm sorry...that is my forever-fear during winter here. I didn't realize what you were referring to on the phone..."leg feeling tingly..." I'm glad you were not seriously injured. Please do be careful--I like my momma in one piece! :)