Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Not even sure where to start

The Theme for this year's birthday party was Disney princesses. Sarah got to be Jasmine, Ellen was Aurora, I was Ariel and I have conveniently forgotten which princesses Dave and Isaiah got to be Ellen really wasn't in favor of the party hats until Dave came up with the napkin trick that was a hit! Isaiah Budd the stud did not mind 3 party hats at the same time, but 4 was beyond his limit of endurance and with one fell swoop knocked them all off. I had the best and the worst visit ever in Oregon this weekend. It was the best because I just LOVE to be with the Budd family. Sarah and Dave are just great to hang out with and the kids are...beyond incredible. My experiences and memories with them keep a smile on my face for months. The worst part though was it was record breaking hot and I do believe as Sarah says "I am allergic to Oregon" I love the area, but oh my goodness I couldn't stop sneezing and you just couldn't get away from outside air without suffocating to DEATH. I took some medicine and began the staring off into the distance mode with the everything is just outside the realm of the really here and now consciousness. Anyone else have that experience from just one Benadryl? I think I will post a few pictures here, but will make a copy of all the pictures and movies I took for any family members that want one. Just let me know. I am already making one for Sarah.

1 comment:

anne said...

I'd sure like a copy.