Monday, August 30, 2010

another lunch time discovery!!!

There I was just eating my pnut butter and jelly sandwich and trying to keep my fingers intact while Petey was eating some past its prime turkey and there is this little guy desperately trying to blend in with our posts on the back porch. I kept my fingers long enough to run into the house and grab my camera.
Pretty cool huh! You just never know what you are going to see at our house ;-)


Unknown said...

What a sneaky toad!

anne said...

I was imagining you having to make sure you weren't biting your own fingers as you were "keeping them intact." But now I realize it was the peanut butter and jelly messiness from which they needed protecting. :)

Unknown said...

No - Petey was gobbling the turkey so quick that I wasn't sure he knew which was the turkey and which were my fingers