Thursday, June 23, 2005

Last walk in NF for the month of June

Went out a little earlier this morning for the Goat Island walk and was accompanied by the setting full moon, pink skies and a half, brilliant double rainbow over the falls. Since it was a little earlier and I was pretty much by myself (too early for the ususal hikers) I went the opposite direction so it would be a little later in the morning when I reached the more heavily wooded section of the trail. I was just hiking along noticing that there were more sea gulls than I have ever seen at the beach (LOTS of flying termites/moths/some sort of tasty treat for them this time of year - in fact some times it isn't safe to walk with your mouth open) and was thinking about work and the goods and services we should/could be providing, when I happened to glance up to see a huge raccoon lumbering across the path and down into the brush close to the river. What a treat!


anne said...

More, more, more :)
Anxious for your posts.
And thanks for cheering me up so well the other day--my magician mama...

Sarah said...

had any new walks in the month of july?

anne said...

Oh, it is SO Sunday night and STILL no pictures! You promised, you know?
Waiting impatiently...the munchkin.

Sarah said...

so sunday seems to have passed and i can't find an update...?

anne said...

I can't BELIEVE there are no pictures yet... (so dissappointed) :)