Sunday, May 08, 2011

Mother's day with Emerson

The B Davis's joined Anne, Wood and me for a Mother's day celebration yesterday. We played bubbles Lots of bubbles And olayed with every ball in the house. Every time he arrives, Emerson very sweetly gives me a hug and some flowers or on this occasion a gift, and then runs into the den to collect every ball we have which he then arranges in a circle out in the living room. He also brought out the golf clubs this time to add to the mix (the bowling pins were a little delayed on this visit). I think my favorite part of the visit was walking down to the weedy (not grassy) area by the pool and watching Emerson hit balls with his new bat and then run in the imaginary base circle back to home base and jump up and shout YAY!!!. He has just the sweetest smile and LOVED hitting the ball and then running the circle with a huge grin on his face the whole time. What a wonderful memory.


Jill said...

What fun! Hitting balls before he is three??? Emerson sounds like a physical genius!

Unknown said...

Sounds like you had a fun time. Wish we were there to "play" too.