Saturday, February 13, 2010

Snow snow snow snow snow (think music to White Christmas)

We got lots last night and it is a beautiful 20 degrees outside sooo Looks like we will be staying here until the sun hits the driveway and we can get down. MMM waffles for breakfast and a fire in the fireplace and lots of Wii for today :-) Petey just knows there is ground down there somewhere See I knew if I dug long enough I would find ground :-)- He loves it And this is only 3 inches. How many feet is it now in DC??? Wood got me some real snow boots several years ago for our trips to NY. Haven't used them in many years cause they are kind of thick and heavy to pack. But boy have they come in handy this morning. The birds are glad we have snow boots since we were able to go and refuel the feeders for them.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

look at all that snow!!