Sunday, September 09, 2007

September with the Budds

The 'music room' aka 'used to be play room' was the source of all kinds of family fun after several evenings of late nights working to put some finishing touches on the house before it goes on the market. Dave and Sarah worked like dogs every waking moment and sometimes past my waking moments, cleaning, adding a patio, getting rid of stuff, etc... so this was a much enjoyed break to spend some time just hanging out. Finally a chance to see the newest Budd addition. What a cutie he is with two dimples and a pretty ready smile. He, according to Sarah's scientific method (which really should be pretty accurate) has gained 6 lbs in 6 weeks and is now a whopping 16 lbs. All I know is he is heavy, can already hold up his head and giggles and smiles. We got to have a few snuggles which I really enjoyed. Nothing like rocking with a snuggly baby :-) I just LOVE this picture of Isaiah. He toggles between terrific and terrible two- most of the time wiping out any memories of recent tears with a ready and most charming smile. Even while crying from a fall at the grocery store he charmed a couple of passing grandparents who said how cute he is (and this is while crying!) Isaiah loves puzzles and is a whiz at putting together a United States puzzle (an old wooden one with no outlines to indicate which state goes where). In fact he corrected me on the positioning of a couple of them. :-) I had the most fun going to a farm on Thursday to pick corn. Oh my goodness it was so delicious I could have kept eating and eating it. There was lots of other vegetable growing there as well. Isaiah thought these pumpkins were pretty cool. Ellen has quite the imagination and she regularly regaled us all with her stories of her 'sister' and her many adventures. She is quite the helper for Sarah and keeps both Isaiah and Brennan in line with a firm but gentle hand. Ellen loves to dance and I finally discovered that she gets the wrinkled-up-nose-face that accompanies her dances from her dad who tends to do the same :-) Ellen isn't a fan of getting too dirty but she helped carry the corn basket and helped point out nice fat ears for picking. I did get her to help me break up the potting soil for some whiskey barrels we planted with flowers, but only after she saw how much fun Isaiah and I were having squishing around in the dirt. Too bad there wasn't an earthworm or two in the potting soil. That would have been lots of fun.... for at least one of us :-) I just couldn't be quite quick enough to catch Brennan's smile, but rest assured he really does have two dimples.

1 comment:

anne said...

My goodness, Isaiah really is quite a gorgeous little man. :)
And yay for Brennan! What beautiful big eyes, just like the rest of the family.