Thursday, May 03, 2007

What a life

For the last week or so we have been oh so fortunate to have abou 5 rose-breasted grosbeaks and their mates visiting our feeders. They are just so gorgeous. It is also incredibly green here now and since I have been working at home this week, have been able to enjoy my lunch breaks outside and take it all in. This morning on the way home from the gym, I asked if we could take a little detour and just run by the lake... I have to keep track of the level you know ;-) Anyway we got to see two female deer crossing into the park. Haven't seen any for a couple of years so this was a real treat indeed! (now as long as the deer stay over there and don't come eat my pansies, I will be truly grateful) What a way to start the day.

1 comment:

anne said...

Birds are cool. :)