Wednesday, November 22, 2006


Ok... I have been complaining about no one blogging and have been reprimanded for not doing so myself. There really hasn't been much going on extraordinary, EXCEPT that I have actually been able to sleep in my own bed for the last 3 weeks! Hurrah. Getting caught up on much needed sleep that is for sure. This weekend Wood and I watched The Five People You Meet in Heaven and then we watched 12 Angry Men (the original version). Both movies are thinking movies and we enjoyed them both. 12 Angry Men is one of my favorites, I guess because it examines assumptions, prejudice, and the need to think critically. The play version is coming to the Fox Theatre in Atlanta with Richard Thomas (John Boy-... Bryan couldn't remember that we ever watched the Walton's .... do any of the rest of you kids remember?) Yesterday I found a moth that thought he could hide in our guest bathroom and blend in. Look he is half hiding behind the picture.I hope you all have a wonderful thanksgiving!


Sarah said...

yay for a post and for interesting movies and silly hiding moths!

Anonymous said...

I don't remember the Waltons, either. That moth is funny.